Joys & challenges of managing a nature-based program

Managing a nature-based program can be challenging, but there are also many joys!

This webinar by Dr. Rachel Larimore, Founder and Chief Visionary of Samara Early Learning, helps early childhood administrators identify the principles fundamental to a nature-based approach and the benefits of such an approach. Then, using a continuum of nature-based early childhood education as the overarching framework, Rachel will address the unique challenges of integrating nature into the preschool classroom. 

In this session we’ll discuss challenges and possible solutions related to:

→ Adhering to licensing regulations while implementing a nature-based approach

→ Adjusting program structure to integrate more outdoor time

→ Preparing the physical environment (inside and outside)

→ Supporting teachers to shift their practice to include more nature

→ Supporting families when integrating more nature-based activities into the curriculum


This webinar is located on the Early Childhood Webinars website. Click here to listen now!


Transitions are both challenging and joyful too…

Supporting the children and their families as they join or graduate from your program is nuanced, to say the least. Our Reflecting on Practice: The BIG Transitions will help you identify strategies you are already using to ease this. It will also guide you towards identifying opportunities of greater support for the many milestones they’ll experience with you. 


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